Friday, July 10, 2009

Next Meeting--TIME CHANGE

Hello SillyYaks! Our next meeting will be Monday, July 13th, at 7pm. That is slightly later than previous times, because due to our location change to 2040 Gause Blvd, PJs Coffee Shop, I need a little later time to get to the meeting. If anyone in Slidell needs a ride to PJ's please give me a call or email me at

Unfortunately our last Angel Food Ministries buy did not go through because they didn't put the Allergen Free box on the truck! But we will definitely try again this month!

Naked Pizza was a HUGE success and I'm pretty sure we'll be doing it again as soon as possible!

I have gotten "The G Free Diet" by Elisabeth Hasselback in from the library and we shall see how it goes. It was not reviewed well by Gluten Free Living Magazine, so I will give it a look and review it when I'm finished!

I hope everyone is having a happy, healthy, gluten free summer! Remember if you need ANYTHING do not hesitate to call me or email me!!

See you Monday at 7pm, at PJs, 2040 Gause Blvd.

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